
Monday, November 9, 2015

Democrat Proclaims People on Welfare Are Stupid Conspiracy Theorists

Whoron Alert!

Usually I save Whoron Alerts for public figures/authors/actors/politicians.

However - sometimes there pops up great examples of hypocrites that, to me, really speak for what is wrong with Democrats as a group of pretend compassionate people.

The hypocrite (whoron) of the day goes by the name of "iGertrude" and she is an Amazon Vine member. Amazon Vine is a program where people can receive items to test and review. Amazon Vine member have their own "forum" boards. In in the Amazon Vine forum,  iGertrude (she may have changed her name by now) is one of the playground bullies.

On the Vind forum, as with many forums, the majority are liberals. Liberals that, of course, believe they are far superior than most people.

They worry about guns (not criminals). They worry that not enough is being done to help those with mental illnesses in the country. They wax poetic about how those less fortunate should be treated kindly (supporting the idea to give people welfare instead of work).

Anyway, she wrote a review for a book about Nurturing Healing Love: A Mother's Journey of Hope & Forgiveness (about Sandy Hook tragedy).
It seems there are a handful of people that don't believe the incident happened (I believe it did).
The Sandy Hook Deniers are leaving horrible reviews attacking the author (a mother of one of the children who was killed).

The Vine Forum members ran to the defense of the book/author, which, I think is speech and all.

However, what iGertude wrote was, basically, that poor people are stupid. Therefore, people on welfare are dumb conspiracy theorists.

Here is her review: "This is an incredible story about a horrendous event that never should have happened. That this mother was able to make it past this cold dark day only to be attacked by the Tin Foil Hat Brigade is a horrible reflection of our society. Free speech and all that but to attack a mother who has lost a child?

Someone must have tipped the trailer park and let all of these barely literate out.

Truthers? All of your friends are here and they are waiting for you. Conspiracy theorists UNITE:"

Print Screen:

In addition, a Vine Reviewer who goes by the name "Young@Heart"
 Young@Heart says:
"The book probably was featured in some creep's Facebook feed or talked about on some Rightwing radio show."

"Young@Heart says:
Because in their warped little minds it was a fake event created by the government to be used as an excuse to take away their guns"

I listen to Mark Levin. Rush. They would never ever say Sandy Hook did not happen. Democrats like "iGertrude" and "Young@Heart" live in a bubble and make up a majority of reviewers on Amazon. Superior strivers, believing that Science is God, religions are for nuts (unless, of course, you're Muslim, that's acceptable!) and life lived between the pages of a book and 4 walls of a class room make them KnowItAlls. They turn everything into people "clinging" to their guns and rarely suggest criminals are the actual reason for violence.

It's fun to read the Vine Forum when they bring up politics - they constantly contradict their positions and they are the least tolerable people.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Big Magic = Big Liberal Influence

 by Elizabeth Gilbert

There are many contradictions in this book and the typical marketing spin words, beginning with "magic" and sprinkled throughout the book - enchantment (see Sally Hogshead's book Fascination). Wizardy.
As someone who has spent half her life studying marketing (advertising), sociology, and philosophy, I'm able to recognize authentic authors who mean well, and authors that simply mean to "sell."
I think Gilbert actually means well, however, many of her messages are conflicting.
When we receiving conflicting advice, it slows us down, criss-crosses our thinking, ultimately erodes our confidence and character, and leaves us more fearful.
On one hand, she makes the point that your life and the outcome of your life is your responsibility.
She advises NOT to be the drama prone, excuse ridden, poor me, victim of life. Now, the irony here is that she is good friends with Berne Brown, who has spent her life make excuses, in therapy (yet she makes millions selling self help books), and profiting off of portraying herself as an angst ridden victim of anxiety.
Then Gilbert says that, basically, you don't have control of your life, there is something bigger out there and if it's meant to be, it will be.
Gilbert tells wonderful stories of her parents and how creative and self sufficiency - but then she makes a jab that they are republicans and voted for Reagan (twice!) - implying that though her parents are wonderful, they aren't very smart when it comes to politics.
There are more veiled jabs at conservatives yet and our military, much of what she suggests in the book is the very principles of conservatives: Independence, Self Reliance, Respecting your body (don't let drinking/drugs/unhealthy relationships get in the way of your art). Work - don't become dependent.
The only difference is, many conservatives believe in God, and Gilbert believes in magic.
Another Irony: in one chapter she says fear is "not smart."
Then in the next chapter, she says you need fear to stop you from running into the middle of a busy street.
She says put your ego aside, yet, she also encourages the reader to be an individual. This is where most of the 'self help' advice is contradictatory and leaves many broken readers who try to abide by this advice.
If we didn't have an ego, we would not feel the need to create. We would not feel the need to shower, to try to live healthy, to not live in our pajamas every single day.
It is healthy to have an ego. If Gilbert didn't have an ego, she would publish under a pen name and refuse to do any interviews.
She advises readers it's better to be a 'trickster' than to be honorable.
And this is the reason for my one star.
If you've ever been lied to or cheated on, you know how damaging distrust can be.
We can't survive and thrive as a society if we can't trust people. You can still strive to be an honorable person and still not take life so seriously. Still 'roll' with the punches.
I LOVE that Gilbert says you do not need to attend college in order to be successful (which is very opposite the liberal narrative). Also, here's yet another contradiction because she praises Berne Brown who identifies herself as a "scholar" - has lived in insulated life, yet has extreme trouble coping with normal every-day tension.
(If you're told enough times that you're broken, eventually, you will believe it).
I LOVE that Gilbert says you can practice your art your entire life, and that a true artist, even if never receiving accolades, will realize the value and joy in simply practicing your gift.
But there are just too many contradictions in this book, and encouraging people to be slippery and shady and also blind to other slippery and shady will erode your confidence and self worth.
This book is mostly about suggestions to encourage you to believe in yourself, very little about "creative" living
If you're looking for a great book about "living beyond fear", try this old book: Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill.  It's definitely a "creative" work, but has very timeless, classic, and true advice.
Try James Allen, "As A Man Thinketh"
Or try Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search For Meaning."

Liberal Influence Scale: 5

Leah Remini - Troublemaker

Troublemaker by Leah Remini

I'm not a "fangirl" of Leah Remini though I've always thought she was funny, beautiful, and brash (in a good way).
I could not wait for this book to come out because I'm fascinated by the attraction to the cult of Scientology. I'm not anti-religion - except for religion that undermines individualism and self-empowerment.
Leah really holds nothing back in this book, she writes like she talks, funny and brash but not an obnoxious way.
I read a-lot of books (via NetGalley!) and it's rare that there is a book I LOOK FORWARD to its release. I can't remember a night I awoke at 1am and gleefully checked my Kindle to see if her book was there. I've been speedreading and though I'm not done yet, if you're wondering: should I buy this? YES. It really does live up to the hype.
Totally engaging, entertaining, fascinating -not just about Scientology, but about life in Hollywood.
Leah doesn't come across as playing a Victim (which is so rare these days!) - instead, she's more of a warrior; seeking to warn and protect and educate.
Love it.

PS - I just realized the co-author is Rebecca Paley. She also co-authored one of my other favorite books "I'll Drink To That" with Betty Halbreich. Ms. Halbreich came from a very wealthy family, married into wealth, got divorced, and got a job on the sales floor at Bergdorfs. For me, it was an inspiring story of realizing that life is what you make of it not what titles or money makes of you. Just wanted to give "props" to Ms. Paley for this book too!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Peggy Noonan - The Time Of Our Lives

I originally read this a few months back via NetGalley.
Though I lean Right, I'm more of a Gregg Gutfeld (really miss him on Red Eye) person. I'd never read Peggy Noonan (sorry Ms. Noonan!)
However, I truly loved The Time Of Our Lives.
Her book is really not so much about politics as it is about character (something we lack today).
She tells a wonderful story about Joan Rivers (I did not realize Joan was Conservative!).
There, of course, are insights about Ronald Reagan.
The Time Of Our Lives makes you feel like you're sitting at the table at Sunday Dinner - warm, loved; that even if all is not right with the world, we can learn from what has worked, and try to imitate it.
On a personal note, Ms. Noonan is really a woman to look up to; she worked her butt off and came from a working class family, yet she doesn't wear her feminism around a bullhorn around her neck.
The odd thing is...though I am a fan of Greg on tv, I actually liked Peggy's book much better than I liked Greg's new book!
Just being honest here (sorry Greg)
The Time of Our Lives is a great wonderful read to curl up with at the end of a frustrating day; kinda like a glass of wine; it's soothing and inspiring.
Loved it.